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Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Science Fact #4 Skeptism of Time

Trully something that is going to be righteous, till the beginning towards the end, nothing will ever be as long as Time. The definition is quite straight forward it is bassically the indefinite measurement towards the pass, present, and the future as a whole disregarding the event prrsent during the time ot self. That's quite a mouth full, but to bring time towards the trial, i give you the most questionable thing you could ever questioned, or so it is seemed. Whenever languages are used, they are specific in giving the time that they are speaking or relates to, such as in english, german, all those languages. Not only that though through some reading, i found out or atleast theoratically, think that time is nothing more than an understanding of the human being towards the bast nature, like ehat i said about science in the previous blog i wrote. But is time just merely a way for us human to think or to understand the universe, many philosophers during ancient times have already questioned something like this, and they have come up with things that may be possibly true, despite the fact that most of this are just theories, we though are still unable to conduct experiment and trully unreval this mystery as a whole, maybe time is nothing but is everything, or maybe it's a loop, or maybe it's bla bla bla. All of that seems reasonably true, but if we have no way of conducting experiments and proving them wheter they're correct or not, we may just wonder our entire life theorising and not know about all the things that we have yet to explore. So why should you just stand there thinking like a philosopher, this questions have been asked ages before you even exist, so go out and do something more productive that helps with the building of your society and the human race as one.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

Science Fact #3 The Vast Nothingness

This is Dark Matter
Space, we see space as a medium, and in outer space there is no difference. although some people think that the space consist of nothing, they are far off, new things are being found everyday in outer space, not only that scientist have found a matter outside our reach and vision, a mater that interacts with the whole universe, but we human can not comprehend. This matter is called Dark Matter, this matter is like i said unidentified, but this unidentified matter makes up 27 % of the mass and the total energy output of our whole universe, and that is huge yet we are not able to detect nor interact with it. How does scientist know this matter exist, well they don't this is just merely a theory that many scientist come up with, since our universe keeps on expanding and it goes faster everyday so there must be a matter that helps with this process, that is where the theoretical matter "Dark Matter" comes in to play.                      
This is what the universe is made of 
  Kurzgesagt's video explaining all sorts of things

the links are "here" to go watch his video explaining about dark matter and dark energy.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Science Fact #2 (Light of the Universe)

                                    What is light, well its nothing more than just a proton traveling at the speed of 299,792,458 meters per second, other wise known as C -in-one of the famous  Einstein  equation of all E = MC ^ 2 , this equation has changed how the world sees the universe. Since then human has tried to go to place where no man has gone before, but of course, Einstein stated that nothing can ever reach anywhere the speed of light, though that has not made us human from trying, humanity has at the very least succedded upon achieving a merely 0.067 % the speed of light, impressive but not that significant. But enought of that i say, light is just a part of the whole radiation spectrum, its just so happended that we have adapted so we are able to see this type of radiation and is able to see the world as it is.
As seen from the chart below
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Thought i just give some really shallow insight unto what is known as light by us, who knows really. To be fair science isnt everything, science is the method of knowing the surrounding place by our standard, to make it more simpler in order for other to understand, but nature doesnt care, its already beautiful as it is, but some needs to understand why, which is the usage of science.

Rabu, 21 September 2016

Jadwal Mid Semester

Date / Day Subject Time
Monday, 26 Sept 2016 Science 06.40 – 08.40
Monday, 26 Sept 2016 Agama 09.00 - 10.30
Tuesday, 27 Sept 2016 English 06.40 – 08.40
Tuesday, 27 Sept 2016 IPS 09.00 - 10.30
Wednesday, 28 Sept 2016 Mathematics 06.40 – 08.40
Wednesday, 28 Sept 2016 Mandarin 09.00 - 10.30
Thursday, 29 Sept 2016 Bahasa Indonesia 06.40 – 08.40
Thursday, 29 Sept 2016 PKN 09.00 - 10.30

Rabu, 14 September 2016

Teknologi Hologram

                                                        TEKNOLOGI HOLOGRAM
               Teknologi hologram tak terlepas dari peran Denis Gaborfisikawan asal Hungaria yang lahir pada tahun 1900. Gabor memulai pendidikannya di bidang fisika saat berumur 15 tahun kemudian menjadi seorang ilmuan di Inggris. Gabor membuat sebuah penelitian yang kemudian menjadi pondasi holography modern. Gabor menemukan teknologi hologram secara tak sengaja ketika bekerja di perusahaan British Thomson Houston. Saat itu, Gabor sedang meneliti bagaimana memperbaiki mikroskop elektron. Gambar hologram statis tiga dimensi pertama kali diproduksi pada tahun 1960-an setelah sinar laser ditemukan. Hasil penelitian Gabor yang kreatif dan inovatif membuat dirinya menjadi salah satu penemu termuka di abad ke-20 dan meraih penghargaan Nobel di bidang Fisika pada tahun 1971.
1. Pengertian Hologram
          Hologram adalah produk dari teknologi holografi. Hologram terbentuk dari perpaduan dua sinar cahaya yang koheran serta dalam bentuk mikroskopik. Hologram bertindak sebagai gudang informasi optik. Informasi-Informasi optik itu kemudian akan membentuk sebuah gambar, pemandangan, atau adegan. Hologram merupakan jelmaan dari gudang informasi (information storage) yang muthakir. Kelebihan hologram ialah kemampuan menyimpan informasi, yang didalamnya memuat objek-objek 3 dimensi (3D). Tidak hanya objek-objek yang biasa terdapat di foto atau gambar pada umumnya. Seperti yang ada pada skema pemandangan yang sebenarnya. hologram dari suatu objek yang tersebar dapat direkonstruksi dari bagian kecil hologram. Jika sebuah hologram pecah berkeping-keping, masing-masing bagian dapat digunakan untuk mereproduksi lagi keseluruhan gambar, resolusi, dan tingkat kecerahan dari gambar.

Rabu, 07 September 2016

Science Fact #1 (The Stars Above)

Image result for alpha centauri compared to the sun                 The sun is the star located in the middle of our solar system, it is made out of pure plasma with a shape of an almost perfect sphere available in nature. it is about 150 million km away from the Earth (Our home), with a radius of  700 km, and a temperature of at the very least 5 777 Kelvin. this may seem big for us, but to our sun, this it is nothing compared to what the universe has in it's sleeve, for many more star is far greater and superior compared to our beloved sun. lets talk about our neighboring star the closest star that we have, The Alpha Centauri, with an approximate distance from us as close as 4.3 light years away (Take note that 1 light year means that a thing that has the same amount of the speed of light takes around 1 year to reach), in the illustration above we can see that even our neighboring star has a bigger size to us, even though centauri B is a bit smaller. well that is all for my first science fact hope that this helps or something, have a great day, and if for some reason you already knew this, than good job.

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

A game Review about No Man's Sky

I played a game not to long ago called no man's sky, its a game about exploring the vast universe of ours, consisting of billions of planets, the maker says that it will take up to billions even trillions of time to fully explore this game. this in fact got me thinking on what our universe really is, what is our universe, well its basically just stars and i mean millions of them orbiting what is known as the milky way center. the game encourages you to explore every where, making your way towards the center with anything that you could possibly give or take to heart. so anyway, the games makes space exploration really fun, but in truth is human any closer to space exploration, here is the answer, no. but are we any close at all to go hyper speed, no. are we at the very least go to other stars, with the current technology it will take thousands of years. so this game really does kick you in the back really hard, to think that the vast universe is for us as a race to explore, but we just couldn't. introducing the New Horizon, the fastest space craft known to man for now at least, able to reach a speed of up to 15.73 km per second it still took 4 years to complete its way towards Pluto. the distance between earth and Pluto is approximately 7.5 Billion Km. while the nearest star is about 4 light years away, that means that light takes around 4 years to reach to that place, remember that light travels around 299 792 458 m / s. so in the end space exploration is still just science fiction, we might never even go to other star, but we have visited other planet within our solar system, and that is a great achievement that human kind have ever made so far.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Computer Hardware

                                                                 Perangkat keras komputer

1. keyboard
    Keyboard merupakan perangkat input komputer yang memberikan perintah masukan. jika anda mengetikkan tombol apapun dari keyboard anda, maka komputer akan membaca dan meyimpan perintah yang anda ketikkan sebagai perintah masukan yang seterusnya akan diberikan ke bagian pemrosesan untuk segera di proses.

2. Mouse
    Berikutnya mouse juga merupakan perangkat input komputer. Mouse di sebut juga dengan pointer atau penunjuk yang mengarahkan kemanapun sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna. selain berfungsi sebagai penunjuk atau pointer, berikutnya mouse juga berfungsi untuk melakukan klik, double klik dan scroll.

3. RAM
    RAM (Random Access Memory) merupakan perangkat keras yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data sementara pada komputer. Jadi saat anda memberikan perintah masukan pada komputer, maka memori RAM akan menyimpan perintah tersebut untuk sementara dan kemudian akan dikirimkan ke processor untuk dieksekusi

4. Prosesor
    Processor atau dikenal juga dengan CPU (Central Proccesing Unit) merupakan perangkat keras komputer yang berfungsi sebagai otak atau inti komputer untuk mengeksekusi sebuah perintah. Perintah yang dapat di berikan oleh memori RAM komputer dan processorinilah yang mengeksekusi setiap perintah.

5. Motherboard
    Motherboard atau sering juga di sebut dengan mobo merupakan sebuah papan sirkuit data komputer yang berfungsi untuk meletakkan dan menjaga koordinasi antara komponen komputer seperti processor, RAM, kartu Grafis, Hardisk, cooling dan, dan perangkat lainnya.

6. Hardisk
    Hardisk merupakan perangkat keras komputer yang berfungsi untuk meyimpan data secara permanen. Selain menyimpan data pengguna secara permanen, Hardisk juga digunakan untuk menyimpan dan menjalankan file system operasi komputer baik itu windows, unix, ataupun linux.


7. Monitor
    Monitor atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan screen brfungsi untuk menampilkan gambar pada pengguna. Agar pengguna bisa berinteraksi dengan komputer tentu setiap pengguna harus bisa melihat tampilan dari komputer tersebut, dan inilah fungsi dari screen atau monitor.

Untuk meanbah wawasan, kilk disini

A Video about wildlife

happened to stumble across a sample video with koala, its basically a wild life video, not much to talk about really, hopefully i wont get a copyright strike from this.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

Sejarah Singkat Blogger

Salah Kaprah pengertian blogger itu disebabkan penggunaan nama blogger menjadi sebuah layanan blog yang dibuat oleh Pyra Labs milik Evan Williams dan Meg Hourihan pada tahun 1999 yang mmenggunakan nama awal Pyra. awalnya hanya sebuah aplikasi web yang dapat menggabungkan pengolaan proyek,kontak,dan daftar tugas. Kemudian aplikasi Pyra diubah menjadi Blogger sebagai format blog untuk internet meski masih dalam taraf beta.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Sejarah Munculnya Internet Di Indonesia (Indonesian Language)

Pada awalnya, internet berasal dari sebuah jaringan komputer yang terdiri dari beberapa komputer yang dihubungkan dengan kabel yang membentuk sebuah jaringan (Network). Pada tahun 1969, internet pertama kalinya berkembang oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika nama ARPA net atau Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

Perkembangan Internet di Indonesia

Tahun 1986 - 19876
Tulisan - tulisan awal mengenai internet di Indonesia berasal dari kegiatan di radio amatir, khususnya di Amatir Radio Club (ARC) ITB. BErmodal pesawat Transceiver HF SSB Kenwood dengan komputer Apple II, balasan mahasiswa ITB mempelajari paket radio pada band 40 m yang kemudian di dorong ke arah TCP/IP. Para pelaku radio amatir Indonesia mengaitkan jaringan amatir Bulletin Board System (BBS), yang merupakan jaringan e-mail store dan forward uang menghubungkan banyak "server" BBS radio amatir seluruh dunia agar e-mail dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

Tahun 1986 - 1990 
Berawal dari mailing list pertama yaitu indonesia@jeanus.berkely.edu, diskusi - diskusi antara mahasiswa - mahasiswa indonesia di luar negeri, pemikiran alternatif beserta kesadaran masyarakat ditumbuhkan. Pola mailing list ini ternyata terus berkembang pesat, terutama di host server ITB dan egroups.com. Mailing list ini akhornya menjadi salah satu sarana yang sangat strategis dalam pembangunan komunitas internet di Indonesia.

Tahun 1992 - 1994
Teknologi paket radio TCP/IP yang diadopsi oleh BPPT, LAPAN, UI, dan ITB kemudian menjadi tumpuan pagutuban net.AMPR-net (Amatir Packet Radio Network) menggunakan IP Pertama yang di internet dikenal dengan domain AMPR.ORG dan IP 44.132

Tahun 1994 - 1995
Pada tahun 1994, mulai beroperasi ISP kompersial pertama di Indonesia yaitu IndoNET. Sambungan awal ke Internet dilakukan dengan menggunakan dial up oleh IndoNET. Akses awal di IndoNET mula - mula memakai motode teks dengan shell account, browser lynx dan e-mail client pine pada server AIX. Mulai 1995, beberapa BBS di Indonesia seperti Clarissa menyediakan jasa akses telnet ke luar negeri. Dengan memakai remote browser lynx di Amerika Serikat, pemakai internet di Indonesia baru bisa mangakses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

untuk menanbah wawasan, klik di sini

Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

the advancement history of computer

Computer is divided into a few of generation based on the advancement, for every generation is differentiated base on the ability of the technology to process stuff, the lower the efficiency bill, the more user friendly it is. a few of computer advancement as such

Image result for first generation computersa. The first generation
                   The first generation is called ENIAC, it is the first electronic computer in the world, weighing about 30 ton, a length of about 30 M, and about 2.4 M tall, this computer requires 174 Kilowatt to operate. the first generation uses vacuum tube made from glass to strengthens the signal. but this equipment has a lot of flaw such as easy to break and good heat conductors.

b. The second generation
Image result for second generation computers
                        The second generation is born in the 1960 -ish, the invention of transistors changes how computers are made at the time. it replaces the vacuum tube. this thing has change how big the electric machine. the transistor is used to make computer at around 1956.

Image result for third generation computersc. The third generation
                    The third generation is one of the most advancement aver made in computer history. it is present at around the 1965-1971. the transistor is not as efficient as it used to be, so the alternatives are to make integrated circuits out of quartz. it is the innovation that changed how the third gen came out.

Image result for fourth generation computers

d. The fourth generation
                      After the invention of IC, the advancement is more massive. in the year 1971, INTEL chip 4004 brought a big advancement in IC, Intel has successfully inserted a component into the computer which is really small at the time, if before the IC is used to work  the work it is used to, then ofcourse the microprocessors can be produced dan programed to work as it is intendeed.

e. the fifth generation
Image result for fifth generation computers                  The history of the fifth generation computer advancement is the computer that we use today, this is recognised from the appereance of LSI which is the compression of thousands of micro proccesor into a more powerfull micro processor, it is also because of the appereance of micro processor  and semi conductors. company that makes micro processors is non other than, Intel Corporation, Motorzola, Zilog, and others.